TGIF Fee Renewal Referendum

The Green Initiative Fund in ASUCD Spring 2023 Elections


The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) ballot measure is on the ASUCD Elections ballot in Spring 2023


The Current State of TGIF:

Since TGIF has not been renewed , we have not been collecting fees academic years 2021-2023. TGIF has been operating on reserve funds and there are very few options left to keep TGIF running on campus.

What is The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF)? 

The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) was established at UC Davis in 2016, implementing a $3 quarterly fee for undergraduate students. TGIF was passed with a ‘Sunset Clause’, requiring renewal in the Spring of 2021. The TGIF fee gives students the opportunity to propose and execute projects that help advance UC Davis’s sustainability goals and benefit the UC Davis community, while providing valuable transferable skills and professional experience to TGIF committee members (stewards of the TGIF fund). Since 2016, TGIF has funded 112 projects that support educational opportunities, promote environmental awareness, increase energy and water efficiency here on campus, and more. Check out our Granted Projects Database to explore the types of projects TGIF has funded in the past! 

Due to COVID and lack of student participation in Spring 2021, the renewal of the TGIF was unable to be passed, meaning no fees were received for the 2021 year. This past year, TGIF has been running off of the money in reserves. To continue existing and funding sustainability projects, TGIF needs at least 20% of the undergraduate population to vote and 60% of them to vote YES. Therefore, a new TGIF Referendum must be passed. This new referendum includes a reinstatement of a $3.50 per quarter fee, as well as a $0.50 increase in the fee per each following quarter. The gradual fee increases would allow TGIF to provide funding for more projects, as well as address inflation as time passes.

What would a "yes" vote mean?

TGIF will continue providing critical funding for student-centered environmental sustainability projects, internships, and sustainability programming and initiatives through the 2030-31 academic year. The UC Davis community will continue to benefit from the leadership and learning opportunities that TGIF provides to committee members and project participants.

What would a "no" vote mean?

TGIF will be dissolved and will no longer be able to provide funding for future student-centered environmental sustainability projects, internships, and sustainability programming and initiatives. Dozens of opportunities for leadership and experiential learning will no longer be available to the UC Davis community.

TGIF was created for students, by students. 

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