The next deadline for submission of TGIF Main Grants is May 9th, 2025. TGIF Mini Grants can be submitted anytime during the academic year! How to apply

Campus Canopy Renewal Project

Main project image
TGIF logo image.
Project description:

UC Davis's campus tree canopy is currently threatened due to the combined effects of climate change stressors and an aging population of trees, leading to the decline and removal of many trees. In an effort to renew our campus canopy, the Urban Tree Stewardship Learning by Leading team proposes to engage interns and the campus community in planting and establishing heat tolerant trees of various species. Maintaining a thriving UC Davis central campus canopy will promote the many environmental and human health benefits that trees provide, all while providing a hands-on educational experience for students and the campus community.

UC Davis
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Fall 2024
Project status:
In Progress
Project leaders:
  • Sarah Maranta
  • Andrea Serna
  • Sarah Samano
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
1-No poverty
3-Good health and well-being
4-Quality education
5-Gender equality
6-Clean water and sanitation
7-Affordable and clean energy
8-Decent work and economic growth
9-Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10-Reduced inequalities
11-Sustainable cities and communities
13-Climate action
14-Life below water
15-Life on land