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Project description:
Dining Commons Glove Recycling Pilot Program
The Student Housing and Dining Services (SHDS) as Zero Waste Coordinators (ZWC) have observed that latex and vinyl gloves are one of the most prevalent items in the landfill bins in the Dining Commons (DC), with an estimated 10,000 pairs being discarded weekly! This project establishes Terracycle boxes in the kitchen area in the Cuarto DC as a pilot program for reducing the amount of gloves that go to landfill. By week 4 of implementation, the project collected ~6,500 pairs of gloves from the Cuarto DC kitchen to be successfully sent back to Terracyle.
Dining Commons
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Winter 2019
Project status:
Project leaders:
- Amanda Simpson (Environmental Science & Management)
- Shannon Casey (Environmental Science & Management)
- Colette Curran (Landscape Design Architecture)
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
11-Sustainable cities and communities
12-Responsible consumption and production