Fragrance-Free UC Davis

Main project image
TGIF logo image.
Project description:

Fragrance Free UCD is a coalition of faculty, students and staff working towards a campus free of artificial fragrances. To give every student the right to learn in fresh, healthy air, they assess pathways to both institutional and personal change. They meet with campus procurement to discuss how the campus can and should shift to 100% artificial fragrance-free cleaning products, soaps and to remove air “fresheners” from bathrooms. Additionally, students design, field-test, and distribute educational material to begin the slower cultural work of educating students and campus members about the personal hazards of fragrances, scented laundry products, and how these fragrant “personal care” products affect others.

UC Davis
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Fall 2017
Project status:
Project leaders:
  • Claire Montgomery (Clinical Nutrition & Music)
  • Liza Grandia (Associate Professor of Native American Studies)
UN Sustainable Development Goals
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
3-Good health and well-being
12-Responsible consumption and production