Rooftop Garden

Main project image
Rooftop Garden Promo
Project description:


Rooftop Garden 

This project will establish a rooftop garden at the Memorial Union. This project constructs a sustainable urban garden that supplies fresh produce to the Coffee House and the Aggie Compass and increases student access to fresh food. The garden features innovative hydroponic garden towers- the appropriate growing method for the rooftop setting as they are water, energy, and space efficient.

Through educational opportunities and outreach, this project aims to foster the growth of the campus urban gardening scene and help the campus community spark a connection to the food they consume. 

Memorial Union
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Winter 2019
Project status:
In Progress
Project leaders:
  • Kelli O’Day (ASUCD Coffee House, Production Manager and Sustainability Coordinator)
  • Kat Hanrahan (Environmental Science and Management)
  • Vanessa (Sustainable Agriculture)
  • Nick Campbell (Spanish and Political Science)
UN Sustainable Development Goals
2 - Zero Hunger
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
2-Zero hunger
11-Sustainable cities and communities
12-Responsible consumption and production