Solar Compactors for Outdoor Compost Collection

Main project image
Solar Compactor outside the Mondavi Center
Project description:

This project creates additional organic infrastructure through the installation of solar powered compactors outside popular foodservice areas on campus. The compactors have solar panels on top of the structures and use this green energy to compress food waste, food containers, and other organics captured inside to reduce the frequency of labor and fuel needed to service the containers. The compactors also have sensors that track the level of organics collected, which are connected to an online network. Using a tracking website, staff can quickly see how full the compactors are in real time and determine when they need to be emptied, thereby making servicing more efficient and time and cost effective.

UC Davis
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Spring 2018
Project status:
Project leaders:
  • Sue Vang (Engagement and Zero Waste Program Manager)
UN Sustainable Development Goals
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
9-Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11-Sustainable cities and communities
12-Responsible consumption and production