The next deadline for submission of TGIF Main Grants is May 9th, 2025. TGIF Mini Grants can be submitted anytime during the academic year! How to apply

Sprout Up

Main project image
Sprout up student leader engaging in activity with young students.
Project description:

Sprout Up is a national organization that promotes environmental education, especially in underrepresented or underfunded Title I classrooms. Our mission to provide environmental education involves placing volunteer college student instructors in local first, second, and third grade classrooms to teach weekly lessons that center around environmental themes such as how to be a well-informed scientist and how to act as a sustainable environmental steward. At the UC-Davis chapter of Sprout Up, we are hoping to not only increase our presence in Davis elementary schools, but also expand our outreach and operation to Woodland and surrounding areas, thus garnering more excitement for environmental causes in a larger, more diverse array of students.

UC Davis
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Fall 2024
Project status:
Project leaders:
  • Natalie Veech
  • Darla Duffy
  • Elizabeth Pena
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
2-Zero hunger
4-Quality education
5-Gender equality
6-Clean water and sanitation
7-Affordable and clean energy
8-Decent work and economic growth
10-Reduced inequalities
11-Sustainable cities and communities
12-Responsible consumption and production
13-Climate action
14-Life below water
15-Life on land
17-Partnerships for the goals