The next deadline for submission of TGIF Main Grants is May 9th, 2025. TGIF Mini Grants can be submitted anytime during the academic year! How to apply

Tercero Resident Garden

Main project image
S20-64 Main Page Photo
Project description:

The Tercero Resident Garden is a space where all Segundo, Tercero, and Cuarto residents can learn about sustainable horticulture and growing their own food. The garden features diverse plants including California native plants, drought tolerant plants, and edible plants. It also features elements of sustainable infrastructure including compost tumblers and gardening equipment. The garden provides hands-on opportunities for diverse students of all gardening experience levels to learn about sustainable gardening, and encourages students to continue to take measures that support making UC Davis more sustainable. 

North of Tercero Hall Circle
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Spring 2020
Project status:
Project leaders:
  • Colette Curran (Landscape Design Architecture)
  • Skylar Johnson (UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services Sustainability Specialist)
  • Carlie Whiteman
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
2-Zero hunger
3-Good health and well-being
4-Quality education
11-Sustainable cities and communities
13-Climate action