The next deadline for submission of TGIF Main Grants is May 9th, 2025. TGIF Mini Grants can be submitted anytime during the academic year! How to apply

Toxic Plant Garden

Main project image
Group of students posing for group picture at planting event.
Project description:

The Toxic Plant Garden is a collection of plants that are toxic to various species of animals and has been a popular destination on the Veterinary Medicine campus since its inception in 1970. It has been used as a resource for the education of our veterinary and undergraduate students, a resource to educate our clients and the general public, and is usually a beautiful addition to our campus, enjoyed by many who visit. In recent years the garden has fallen into disrepair and is in dire need of revitalizing. Our goal for this project is to bring the garden back to life by partnering with the School of Veterinary Medicine Green Task Force, a student run group, and the Arboretum and Public Gardens to rehabilitate the garden through volunteer efforts, and the employment of an undergraduate employee.

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Campus
Grant funding amount:
Grant cycle:
Fall 2023
Project status:
In Progress
Project leaders:
  • Melyssa Rehman Project Lead
  • Catherine Dombroski Project Lead
  • Rachel Davis Arboretum and Public Garden: Grounds
UN Sustainable Development Goals associated with project:
1-No poverty
2-Zero hunger
3-Good health and well-being
4-Quality education
6-Clean water and sanitation
8-Decent work and economic growth
10-Reduced inequalities
11-Sustainable cities and communities
12-Responsible consumption and production
13-Climate action
14-Life below water
15-Life on land