The next deadline for submission of TGIF Main Grants is May 9th, 2025. TGIF Mini Grants can be submitted anytime during the academic year! How to apply

AMAT RC3 Condor Final Computer Model
AMAT RC3 Condor Final Computer Model

Advance Modeling Aeronautics Team’s Environmental Aircraft: Creating the AMAT RC3 Condor aircraft

The UC Davis Advance Modeling Aeronautics Team (AMAT) have recently completed their TGIF-funded project! This team has designed and are currently constructing an agricultural and environmental monitoring UAV drone to assist with the monitoring of agricultural systems, the survey and the study of environmental engineering subjects. The aircraft, AMAT RC3 Condor, has been created and designed to be easily transported and launched in rugged conditions using little-to-no accompanying equipment. 

AMAT’s ultimate goal was to design a small-scale aircraft that is operable by researchers without previous training or knowledge in the field of aeronautical engineering–one that is reliable and simple enough to be used regularly as an assistance tool.