Spring Quarter 2021 Rolling Applications
New grant cycle format for Spring 2021 TGIF Grants
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) is excited to announce that it will be transitioning to a rolling grant application period for Spring Quarter 2021.
As the UC Davis community prepares for a return to campus and for in-person activities to resume, we hope that the extended application period will encourage potential applicants to begin thinking about possible projects that include in-person components. The TGIF Committee understands the impact that Covid-19 has had on planning and implementing projects and hopes that the transition from a short application window to a rolling application window will allow more applicants to take advantage of TGIF funds.
Spring 2021 Grant Cycle
- Grant proposals accepted from March 29 through Monday, May 31, 2021 at 5:00pm
- Proposals will be reviewed and funded on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Applicants will be notified of the status of their applications within a few weeks of their submission. Applicants that submit grant proposals close to the final May 31 deadline will be notified of their proposal’s status by early summer.
Need help preparing your proposal?
TGIF’s grant advising subcommittee will hold weekly advising office hours throughout the entire application period. We highly recommend potential applicants attend! These office hours are the best way to receive individualized guidance on the application process.
Spring 2021 TGIF Office hours will be held March 25 - May 27 2021 on Mondays from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM and Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Zoom.
Zoom link: Zoom link (http://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97643027893?pwd=VS9JN2ZvRGRUOUFpRWk2ek1FRzBZZz09)
Password: GreenGrant
About Us
TGIF awards grants up to $20,000 throughout each academic year to projects that positively impact students through increasing educational opportunities, promoting environmental awareness, engaging in sustainability research, advocating for climate and environmental justice, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy and water efficiency, limiting the amount of waste created on campus, and encouraging healthier, more planet-friendly lifestyles.
Since its inception in 2016 at UC Davis, TGIF has funded close to 100 sustainable projects! These projects range broadly; from building an electric race car to reducing nutrient levels in the Arboretum Waterway; from hosting climate change education conferences to developing and studying bio-based materials. These projects demonstrate the UC Davis community’s dedication to sustainability, and TGIF is proud to support both the projects and the incredible teams that proposed and implemented them.
To learn more about TGIF proposals and projects...
- Visit the TGIF Apply page
- Attend advising office hours
- Email tgif@ucdavis.edu with questions
- Learn more about other projects that TGIF has funded, check out our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, where we’ve been posting about current and past projects.